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M's Toriumi Rhinoplasty!

Rhino Journal

Melissa's Rhinoplasty Journal.


Surgery day: Monday, 03/17/03


I wake up at 6:00am. Our car is parked on the street in downtown Chicago and its Monday morning. For those living in the city you know its time to move it unless you want a ticket. Well we got there too late and got a ticket!! We then pay $40 to park it in a parking garage for 2 days.

Surgery time is at 11:30am. I pay the receptionist and they take me in a room where the walls are simply curtains. The young woman working there asks me to change into the flimsy hospital gown with nothing on underneath. Not ever having surgery before I thought I  could wear my PJs so I asked her why. She said, because thats the way we do things here. Well then! SORRY! 

I wait for maybe a ½ hour and Dr. Carter the anestisia doctor comes in, and while inserting my IV he tells me since they are starting so late I should wake up with no problems since this is a daytime facility. He was not kidding. Like its my fault were starting late!? After meeting these two employees of the Surgical Center I was not comforted at all, actually it made me even more scared of the unknown. The only comfort I had at that point was my boyfriend, Mike. Then Marty came in. She was so kind! She assured me Toriumi is the best and I would be well taken care of. Then Dr. Toriumi came in briefly to go over any last minute concerns of mine. My instructions were simple: just please give me the smallest, cutest nose that my structure can have!! He smiled and stated I would be well taken care of.

They wheeled me into the surgical room, I started to feel dreamy, but thought it was just my nerves. They asked that I scoot onto the operating table, I did. Then As I lay there I looked around. There were several people there just chatting, waiting for Toriumi I suppose. I didnt even feel myself falling asleep. All I remember is waking up. I could feel the cast on my nose, I didnt feel naseous, but my throat hurt soooo bad. I struggled to whisper water but it came out hoarse. I could hear Marty saying just wait 8 more minutes, okay? and she put a cold compress on my eyes. It felt good!

Then she said, look whos here, it was Mike. I was so relieved. The whole experience was fairly easy except for the fear of the unknown-which was bad enough! I never had general anestisia before.

After I was up for a while, I was able to get on my feet and walk myself out. We got a taxi and went back to the hotel where I had a large pillow propped up waiting for me on the bed. Toriumi game me Vicodin, which I needed because the pain was very bad. I didnt eat anything except a small amount of Cream of Wheat and pineapple juice (Vitamin C for the bruising). I slept pretty well that night considering the amount of pain I was in.


Day 2: Tuesday, 03/18/03


The swelling is BAD! My eyes look like little marbles in my head. I dont mind breathing out of my mouth, but this swelling is soo annoying! I can hardly open my eyes. I managed to take a bath without getting my splint wet. I just lay on my back, and with my head above water simply dunked my hair in. It worked great! If you do it this way, just make sure you dont fill up the tub too much.

I go to my 1st post op appointment today to take out the packing. Mike walked to the dollar store and bought me a cheap hat so I can attempt to hide my alien face!

We take a taxi back to Toriumis office and he sees me right away. The staff say how good I look, I hardly have any bruising. I feel horrible and ugly! I can defiantly see how he shortened it, but when I take the nostril dressing off I look like a pig. He told me this is normal. I also noticed my nostrils are wide. I found out I have internal splints. I hope the nostrils will shrink when they come out because it looks like a gorilla nose right now.

Toriumi comes in and asks how Im doing. He takes a little thing that looks like tweezers and pulls out the packing and little plastic things that were in my nose. It hurt very much, but only for a minute. I couldnt breathe after that still because of my swelling. He tells me to come back on Thursday, in 2 days.

Right now when I look at my nose, what I can see at least, is a much smaller tip, rounded off. It is much shorter than the original nose. The nostrils are too wide right now, hopefully because of the internal splints. He told me if they still look wide to me when its all said and done I can have a simple in office procedure to make then smaller.

Ill update again tomorrow.


Day 3: Wednesday, 03/19/03


I drove 5 hours to Chicago today for a 5 minute appointment, walked around Chicago for an hour, then drove 5 hours back to Michigan. Not that I am upset. The appointment went well with Dr. T asking me how the drive was and cleaning out my nose, checking to make sure all is healing correctly. He also told me the reason for my nostrils being so hard/wide is because he transferred cartiledge from my tip to my nostrils. Plus after surgery the nose tends to be a little hard. He said it should soften in time.

We shall see!

I am not so swollen today, actually Im not bad at all. I even got my contacts in, YAAY! I still have purple bruises on my eyelids, but the bruising under my eyes is already turning yellow. The drainage stopped so I dont have to use the nasty drip pad any longer (what a relief), but now I have a piggy upturned tip staring at me. I HOPE it goes down!

I made my unveiling appointment for next Wednesday. The internal splints will be taken out about a week later he said.


Day 4: Thursday, 03/20/03


I feel fine today, nothing to report. I even went out in public (again)!


Day 5: Friday, 03/21/03


The swelling in my cheeks is almost gone. Sometimes I can breathe through a nostril (only one at a time for some reason). Dr. T is having me clean with peroxide twice daily, no problems with that.


Day 6: Saturday, 03/22/03


I had a terrible time sleeping last night. Sleeping on my back with 5 pillows is not very comfortable. I transferred myself to the couch for some relief (it helped) at 3 am. When I woke up later in the morning I accidentally hit my nose. I didnt hit it hard, but it hurt! I ran to the mirror and found I didnt do any damage, but I noticed my tip has come down slightly. I love seeing progress, even if its a little change! The bruising has also faded some.


One Week: Monday, 03/24/03


One week post op!!! My bruising is mostly gone. I just have a very small yellow spot under my right eye. Also my eye lids are very slightly purplish. My cheeks are still slightly swelled, nothing anyone else would notice. My tip seems to have dropped as well.

I took my dogs for a walk and threw the ball in the yard a few times. Ive found that when I walk a lot or Im up about that my nose starts to get a dull pain in it. Nothing even worth taking meds for.  The cast is really starting to make my nose itch. When I lift up the tape a little I see blackheads! UGH! I have really clear skin normally so this will seriously be a pain.

The unveiling is Wednesday, so I will hold off on writing in the journal until then.


Unveiling: Wednesday, 03/26/03


Wow! I am finally back! We left at about 10am this morning and just got home at 11:30 pm. We pretty much drove straight there and straight back.

1st Toriumi put stuff to unstuck the tape holding my cast on, let that sit for a few minutes. Then he slowly peeled it off (still hurt). Then he took the stitches out. Now that was tough! It hurt so bad my eyes were tearing up and I had to tightly shut them and take a deep breath. (Note to self: take pain meds when internal splints come out!!). Then he cleaned the inside and outside of my nose. That hurt too, when he pressed on it. It sounds gross, but I could feel my broken bones as he was pressing on my nose.

Then he let me look. I was expecting it to be swollen, but I was very disappointed to see that my front looked pretty much the same-big and bulbous, only the tip was more turned up. The profile is beautiful though!!! Toriumi as well as the staff assured me it is puffy and will refine in time. I sure hope so. Im ready for my little nose!

When I got home I was eager to show my mom, but she kinda looked stunned and stated it looked the same. She did state the profile looked shorter.

Im not sure what to think at this point. Its defiantly not bad at all, but I do want it to be slimmer. I go back to work tomorrow, so maybe its good that its not a huge change so when it does eventually change nobody will accuse me of anything. Well see!


Day 16: 04/02/03


I am a little over 2 weeks post op today. I feel great! I get a runny nose constantly. The funny thing is I cant even feel it drip. My nose is still a little numb at the tip. (Hey that rhymed!) The swelling is very noticeable in the morning, but by the time I get to work its normal. I think I am still swollen since Dr. T said the most of the swelling would go down in 3 months!? It looks a lot better even since the unveiling (I think). Im questioning if my nostrils have to be taken in some.

The people at work who did not know I had the surgery could not tell a difference. The people I did tell said I look a lot different but it looks good.  I saw my best friend yesterday. I didnt tell her when I was getting the surgery so I surprised her. She kept looking at me funny until finally I just said it-Notice anything different? She immediately said my nose and then got out the photo albums to compare old nose to new nose. New nose looks better.

I am still sleeping elevated, but now on my side. I seem to swell no matter what in the mornings so I dont sleep sitting up any more.

My bones seem to be moving. The bridge isnt as straight as it was when I got the cast off. Dr. T had me doing exercises to push the bones together. He stressed it is important I do them a certain way or I can cause a bump. After day 2 of doing it I got scared I was doing it wrong so I called the office. They said to stop doing them right away until I came in next. I guess they really are important! Ill update when there are more updates! J


Day 18: 04/04/03


I went in today to get the internal splints taken out. I was late almost an hour! For some reason it was raining very, very hard on the drive over from Detroit to Chicago. We had to stop and drive slowly for a while because we couldn't see out the window. When we finally got into Chicago there was unusually high traffic for miles. I'm talking bumper to bumper. I called Toriumi's office to let them know I would be late. I called again when I was 1/2 hour late and begged for them to wait for me. When I finally got there (out of breath from running) I appologized several times. I was sooo embarrassed. She (Kathy) told me Dr. T was ready to leave. When I saw Dr. T  again appologized and he was so cool about it! He just said he understood and it was no problem to wait. I must say this appointment brought a whole new respect for Dr. T. He was so kind and professional about it. I mean he could have left, but he stayed and did not show a bit of impatience towards me at all.

Getting to the reason for the appointment: the interanl splints. It didn't hurt when he took them out, just a little uncomfortable for a few seconds. When he pulled them out they were completely covered with snot. It was clear mucos, but it was very gross. I could breathe SO much better after they were out.

About an hour later I looked in the mirror and MY NOSE REFINED! I swear I was not hallucinating-it got smaller!

I asked him if my nose was still swollen and he did say it was. Now that the tip looks smaller though my nostrils seem to be getting bigger. I'm still not sure at this point if I will need an allar base reduction.

I also asked him about the compression exercises and he told me I don't need to do them. 

I see Dr. T again in 3 weeks. I don't want to bring it up with him until it refines a little more. I will post my 3 week photos on Monday.


3 weeks post op: Monday, 04/07/03


I just posted my 3 week photos. It's weird because my nose looks smaller in person. I took a close up so my nose is easier to see (the light kinda shines on it because the bridge is flat now!).

I would really appreciate feedback on the nostril issue, should I reduce them or not? They aren't THAT bad, but I really don't know! :(




I am getting really depressed. When I woke up this morning my nose looked exactly like it did before surgery. I wanted to punch the mirror. I feel like crying right now. I know it's swelling and it takes time to go down, but DAMMIT! Even my own mother says she cannot tell a difference from the front. Plus it seems my tip is dropping, which I don't want. When I smile it looks like my nostrils go almost to my ears. OK I am exaggerating. I try to be optimistic but I still feel like big nose girl.

Last night I was laying on my side watching TV and I bumped my nose really lightly. I got this weird sensation like my graft shifted. Everything still looks straight, it just freaks me out that there is plastic or whatever the thing is made of in my nose! I'll have to ask Toriumi exactly what it is. If anyone reading this knows please let me know. Also while your at it, go to my "home" page and look at my old nose and new nose at 3 weeks. Can you see a difference?HONESTLY! I'll post my 1 months pics, but I don't think there will be much difference, if any at all. 


1 Month post op


Everything is pretty much the same at this point. I want to thank everyone that has been e-mailing with your feedback. HONEST feedback really means a lot to me.

I'll post more pics for recording purposes, but again not much change. I did however notice my nose wasn't as swollen this morning as it usually is when I first wake up.

I still apply ointment on my collumella scar at night. It gets sore when I wipe my nose with a tissue. Also, my nose runs constantly! It is still numb in some areas so my boyfriend will tell me "you have drippage" when clear liquid snot is about to drip off. Sorry to be so yucky, but this seems to be quite common with rhino patients. I'll update again at my 2nd month mark!


2 months post op


Well, another month! I must say I am pleased. I don't worry about my nostrils anymore, thanks to all of you who warned me against an alar base reduction.

As always Dr. Toriumi and his staff were wonderful. Dr. T also commented me about my eyes! (I just got colored contacts). I am so retarded sometimes, but it is flattering when someone that busy notices the subtle changes about me!

He commented how I was healing well, and that I am still swollen on the sides of my tip (where the big "ball" was) and also on my bridge (which doesn't really bother me). he mentioned my "After" pics will be taken next time (about 3 months post op). I'm going to try and put that off as long as possible because I want to see a HUGE difference!

I had a small clear stitch stuck in my collumella and he took that out, no problem. I've also noticed a VERY, VERY small bump on the top side of my bridge. It's not really noticable at all and does not bother me. I asked if this could be because I didn't do the compression exercises and he said no. He just told me to push the bump down and in for 5 minutes or so a day (don't have to, my choice. He said shouldn't get any worse) . Actually, just looked in the mirror and I couldn't even notice it! I am just amazed how smooth and straight my nose is. I love sliding my figers down it even now-2 months post op. It's such a great feeling-knowing you have a great nose!! At about 1 1/2 months I noticed that my nose didn't run anymore. That was so annoying!!

I attempted to take pics for you guys on my digital camera, but I must admit I am very depressed because I gained so much weight after surgery. I've been eating like a pig and no exercise (which I was a gym rat before surgery) and it's really bringing me down about how I look. But for the sake of future rhino patients I will swallow my pride and do it for you. Expect updates soon!




Well, I went to the gym for the first time after surgery today. No throbbing, pain or swelling really. I just got really red like I usually do.

I feel so freakin' fat! I'm sorry, but I do! It's really depressing! Before surgery I was doing really good, trying to eat right, drink water etc...and after surgery I kinda gave myself a reason to chill out and eat everything in sight! LOL!

I am getting serious now. I know a slim face will make my nose look even better! By the time I post my 3 month photos I swear my face will look smaller. If it doesn't I might as well starve myself because this weight gain thing is rediculous! I have never been overweight and I am not starting now!




I just paid a bill from the anest. doctor!!! 136.50. The statement said it was for time that went over the estimated time!? Oh well, what's 136.50 after paying 9 grand! I just think it is very unprofessional of them to do that.  My boyfriend told me I was right on time. (they estimated about 3 1/2- 4 hours, which I paid for up front). I'm not going to argue with them! I just paid it.


3 months post op


Well I made it! I am now over 3 months post op. Things look pretty good I must say. I am getting back to my normal size (6) after working out like I did prior to surgery. My nose doesn't really swell at all when I exercise, my face just gets very red-always has though.

On Saturday I went to a festival at our local park. I was in the sun ALL DAY. It has been very cloudy here in Michigan so I was soooo thankful for some sun that I didn't even pay attention to apply sunscreen. I was just grateful for some sunshine on my pastey white skin. Well I got burned-right on my nose! My nose swelled up sooo much the next day. It looked like Jennifer Aniston's! It's Monday today and it came back down, but it is still a little red. I will post pictures very soon. I just want to look my best for the 3 month mark!

I am supposed to see Toriumi this month, but don't think I'll have the time. I will go see him next month though. That will be when I get my official "after" photos taken and I'll be sure to share and post them on the site.




I just posted my 3 month pics. It's more like 3 1/2 months now though-Sorry guys! I only took 3/4 view and the profile because from the front it looks so off from what I see in the mirror. For some reason the camera makes it look bigger. I am not being picky either cause I had my boyfriend verify this. The 3/4 view gives a much better view of the tip and how defined it is compared to the "old" nose. I'll try and be on time next month for the 4 moth post op mark-maybe I'll have a tan by then, LOL!


4 1/2 Months post op


I took my friend along this time to check out the club nmext to Toriumi's office, Le Passage. Fun time, stayed at the Whitehall (very nice hotel right across the street from Dr. Toriumi's, got a great rate on travelocity, but you also get a discount if you are a T patient).

I got to Dr T's late-AGAIN!! No, it wasn't my fault. I figured leave 3 hrs earlier than I usually do and what happens??? A truck full of manuer (sp?) flips over and ALL the traffic is merged into this itty bitty town with no directions how to get back onto the freeway. So I'm freakin out in the middle of the country cause I can't find another entrance onto the freeway. THEN when I got into Chicago the skyway was being worked on so I figured I was screwed.  A drive that should take 5 hrs took 9 hrs. So I call Dr. T's office and gave them the scoop, said I was reschedule. So we finally get to the hotel and Tamiko (Toriumi staff) calls and says to hurry in and he will see me. They are just fabulous staff! I got my post op photos taken (didn't get copies yet) and Dr T confirmed still a little swelling, but my bridge has gone down a lot. Still swelling in the frontal tip. 


5 months post op  


Just took my 5 month photos. No too shabby, eh?? I am almost 1/2 way there! Just to think I'll have an even SMALLER nose in 6 mos. makes me grin. When I look at my pre op photo I cannot believe that was me. :(


1 year and 4 months post op


Let me first appologize for not keeping up with the site. Like I said in my title page I have been going through some really rough times. I hate to imagine going through what I did with an ugly nose, haha!

Anyways, I went to see Dr. Toriumi after a little over 1 year post op. The main reason I went is because I was at a party with my friend and she got a little crazy and jumped on me-AND HIT MY FRIGGIN' NOSE...HARD!! I fought back tears as I ran to the bathroom. As I felt blood trickle down I thought to myself, "God no, please no!" I was swollen and there was blood coming from my right nostril. I was horrified to say the least. I cried and held a tissue to it for a bit. The pain was horrible, but there didn't seem to be any damage. I went to see Toriumi just in case and he also said he didn't see damage, but we will have to see in 3 months. Well I have past that mark and thank you Jesus all is well. It was sore for a few days, a very odd sensation when I touched my nose. But everything is normal now. Be careful people!! Stay away from the drunk friends!

I am very, very happy with the results. My nose has refined so much. You really have to wait for that year mark to see the finished product. My tip is very narrow and my nostrils fit it perfectly. I'm glad I didn't get them reduced. Trust your surgeon's opinion! Toriumi stated I am still a bit swollen in the tip area on top, but I can't see it getting much smaller. It is exactly what I wanted! Exactly!


Over 3 years...


Yup, I'm still alive, ha ha! SO MUCH has happened to me over the past couple years. #1 being I packed up and moved to Hawaii with nothing but my body (including my new nose) and 2 suitcases. Best thing I ever did, next to my rhino, of course. In addition, I lost some weight and I feel better than ever! To be honest, I forgot this site existed. Sorry for those who have been e-mailing me without a response. I have been getting A LOT of the same questions that I answered on this site, so please read the newly added FAQ section for more info. I probably won't post any new pics after this. After all, it's been 3 years and I think I have my final result. It is better than I ever imagined. I am so, so happy with my results. Good luck and for the love of Pete, don't bargain with your face!! Pay the extra money and you will get what you pay for! Aloha!